Don’t let Stress rule your life! Learn the top 5 ways to cope.

“You’re only human. You don’t have to have it together every minute of every day’ – Anne Hathaway

Just like anything there is no magic pill to live a stress free life. Although by working on stress prevention you are more likely to escape the prickly hands of this stress monster we are all running from! We are often confronted with high pressure situations in our day to day lives, some more demanding than others. Interestingly enough it is not so much the magnitude of the stress that becomes the problem but how we manage it. Stressful events convey different meanings to different people, they touch on our beliefs and values and encourage us to explore all the different tools that we have that we can use as coping mechanisms.

Perceptions of the intensity of the stress we are faced with also varies, this explains why some of us cope better with the same situation than others. Yes it is totally normal to experience stress, although what you do with your stressors when they arise is the ultimate key. As members of modern day society we are lucky to have a variety of tools and methods to help us cope with the negative effects of stress in our lives. Lets take a look at 5 ways to help you cope better with the stress!

1) Body Awareness

The inner ability to recognise HOW your body reacts to the stressors in your life can be a VERY powerful skill. Most people place more awareness on the weather, what the time is and their bank balance, rather than their own bodies. I can not ‘stress’ the importance of becoming in tune with your body, get to know the signs and listen when you are getting hints and messages. Are you beginning to constantly feel sick, are you constantly feeling tired, do you feel a lack of energy.. what is your body telling you. When working with my clients on their anxieties and fear I encourage them to begin listening and understanding the signs that their bodies are trying to convey. Begin to take notice of the way you feel around certain places, people and environments. For Example, do you only feel anxious or stressed when you are in the workplace or on the road driving? Then look out for the physical signs such as tension in the body, stomach upsets, skin problems, increase/decrease in appetite, headaches and changes in mood. Do you feel as though you cant keep up with everything going on in your mind? Get in the habit or writing down significant thoughts or feelings that often come up. This allows you to UNLOAD.

2) Eat Right

Stress and nutrition definitely work hand in hand. Ensuring you are practicing good nutrition and feeding your body is what carries you through in times of need. While you may not be able to make stress go away there are things you can do to ensure your body’s fuel tank is always full to help you cope!
*Avoid or limit your caffeine and alcohol consumption. This can lower your reaction to stress and improve mental performance.
*Eat balanced Meals (include fruit, vegies, fish with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, lean proteins and nuts) Its important to eat regularly without skipping meals. When your stressed its easy to put meals off, although energy levels will suffer as a result.
* WATER, WATER, WATER. Your body needs to keep hydrated!

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3) Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

As most of my clients would tell you, one of my favourite sayings is “Pick your battles!”. In other words remember to ask yourself what stressors are really worth stressing over!! You can start by taking a step back, a BIG deep Breath and just evaluate whether it is worth the time worrying over or not? We can very easily get lost in this cycle of constant stress and worry, it brings down our mood and to be honest it is utterly exhausting! I have really made a conscious effort to pick the things in my life that I feel is worth my time and energy. Once upon a time I could dwell on anything and everything that stressed or irritated me, whereas now by following this practice I am a lot more centered and find it easier to let things go. The more you take on, the more of your precious energy you give away.. its no wonder you feel heavy hearted and exhausted at times! Ask yourself, ‘Is this really going to matter to me in a week or a month??’ If you don’t think it will then send it on its merry way!

4) Learn To Say NO

Life is very demanding I know.. although it is important to ensure you have good overall balance, part of that balance is feeling comfortable to say NO every once in a while. There is only 24 hours a day and only 1 of you (in saying that the idea of having a clone is VERY appealing at times *smirk*). Taking on too much is one of the biggest reasons for growing stress, it is so easy to get lost in the demands that we face in this modern world we live in, everything feels as though it is moving so fast and we feel like we need to run just to catch up. Just know that you don’t need to be everywhere, doing everything. Setting boundaries is essential in preserving your own mental and physical well being, and to be honest boundary setting is definitely an acquired skill! A skill that takes practice! Here are a few pointers:

  1. Know your limits
  2. Give yourself permission to say No without feeling guilty
  3. Set boundaries with yourself and others by listening to your body and what it is telling you
  4. Ensure your self care is a priority
  5. Reach out if you are feeling overwhelmed and need some help

‘When you say Yes to others, make sure you are not saying No to yourself’

5) Exercise

By exercise I don’t mean you need to run out tomorrow and get a gym membership! But how about going for a walk? a jog? a swim? Or a Zumba class like I did for the first time in yearssss this week ( I must admit it was a lot of fun ). Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, it produces all those feel good hormones we are all going crazy about! Meditation and yoga are also part of this category and its important I mention that exercise and fitness is all about listening to your body and doing what feels right. I often talk about my love/hate relationship that I have had with exercise, and I truly believe it is because I had an expectation of what exercise was ‘meant to be’ based on what everyone else is doing. It took me a while to realise what I enjoy and what works for me, they are things like walking, fitness classes and dancing. I also have some fitness equipment at home that I use and to be honest since having Luca I have become very creative in home exercise and equipment. Exercise burns through that adrenalin going through your system, produces feel good hormones, builds your self esteem and confidence and exceptionally great for your physical and mental health so exercise you way through stress today!

So there you go 5 ways to help you relieve stress! I must say I am definitely feeling less stressed after writing this blog! 🙂 hope you enjoy!


  1. Thanks for these Amanda. Looking through the list, I can’t help but notice each of them are interconnected for me. For example if I’m wound up about something, I don’t eat right – which means I don’t have the energy to put into exercise – and it impacts other areas too.

  2. Nanou says:

    I enjoyed reading these great tips. I agree, it’s so important to listen to our body! It’s smarter than us and it tells us so much about our general wellbeing or where to focus our attention. Thanks for these reminders 🙂

  3. Tamsin says:

    Great tips. I can remember a friend telling me that he believed in winning all battles against his children … I could foresee many years of heartache for him to come – some things are just not worth fighting about!

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