How your ‘Inner World’ affects your ‘Outer World’. 

‘You can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves’ – Dalai Lama

Such a powerful quote.. I love it! I think it’s one of those hard truths that you don’t really want to hear, although you know is so Darn true!!
I often talk to people about this concept and I find some receive it better than others, the funny thing is that everyone eventually has an experience that brings that understanding around to them in the end, whether they are aware of it or not.

Well I’m here to tell you the sooner you embrace it the bigger and better the changes in your life will be!

So how does this concept apply to your life? The thing is as a result of so many years of hurt, hardship and life experiences you have built walls, walls that protect you from future hurt and danger. These walls become stronger and stronger as the years go by.. And to be honest there comes a time where those hurtful feelings, memories and pain become somewhat non exisitant to you. UNTIL one day you are sitting there minding your own business and then all of a sudden a thought pops up, it’s a flash back of a memory. Where did that come from now, you ask yourself.. ‘I wasn’t even thinking about that?’.

Your subconcious mind Is tricky.. It holds all raw information.. Information about EVERYTHING! It knows what things you have built walls around and what things you need to deal with, so every now and then it brings up a memory to you and basically says ‘are you ready to deal with this yet’? If it notices you pull back and freak out, the thought goes away and tries again another time. Sound familiar??? Have you noticed that happen to you before? It can sometimes just be a memory about a person you no longer have to do with or a song that stirs up powerful emotions.

We all experience this and it tells us that we all have ‘unfinished business’ that we need to deal with, for some it is more complex than others.

The things we have going on in our Inner World plays a huge role in the way we PERCIEVE and REACT to the Outer World. Just think of when you are upset or angry about something while you are at work or out and about. Even though you try to keep those feelings to yourself, without realising you may be a little quieter than usual, less tolerant with customers or people driving SLOWER on the road (God forbid.. *smirk*) you may not feel chatty or you find yourself becoming snappy with people. These things are all a result and manufactured by your Inner World. Therefore you can only imagine the effects of years and years of hurt, pain, guilt, heartache and fear!

When working with my clients I am all about CHANGE and MOVING FORWARD in life we don’t spend all our time living in the past. Although I believe it is so important to take a step back sometimes to untangle yourself from the things that are holding you back!

Leave a comment below and tell me what things you are unhappy with in your inner and outer world, or just share your thoughts on this blog post!

If you would like some help exploring this in your life, I would love to help you! Contact me at


  1. Ava Zechiel says:

    This means so much to me! I haven’t written it yet, but I want to do a more personal piece about my struggle with anxiety. This is great though. Would love to possibly collaborate?

  2. Chantal says:

    This really resonates with me at the moment and I wonder if there’s a cosmic explanation because a few other people have observed similar! Listen and heal.. very good advice! Thank you!!!!

  3. Lisa says:

    This rings so true with me. As someone who ruminates A LOT, I am struggling with feeling like I am not good enough, that is playing out considerably now that I have been thrown into the dating world after coming out of a 6 year long relationship.

    I am very trusting and open, and although I have learned that hard way recently that this isn’t the case with everyone, I can’t get the negative words out of my head that I keep telling myself about myself as to why things aren’t working out. I keep trying to refocus my energy by telling myself 2 positive things every time a negative pops up to train myself to stop thinking about it. But it’s just a very hard thing to shake.

    • Amanda says:

      Absolutely Thankyou for sharing Lisa! I often find writing those feelings and emotions down help a great deal, apart from being very therapeutic it takes them out of your head allowing you to ‘unload’ and seeing them written down gives you a clearer perspective. Hope this helps 🙂

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