PART 1 – An Introduction and a look into what they are.

In light and awareness of PANDA’s Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Awareness Week I have decided to write and share a Blog Series that talks about the Signs, Symptoms and Steps to take if YOU or someone YOU KNOW is either currently or previously struggling with anxiety and depression. Opening the conversation to bring awareness, continue working on reducing the stigma and shedding light on some really important topics is one of the major goals this week.

Becoming a mum is usually a very exciting time in a woman’s life, although for some it is full of fear, confusion and uncertainties. The feeling that even though they have so many people and support systems around them, they still feel so isolated and alone. The feelings of overwhelm and struggles about how they will juggle this new life and role as a mum, partner as well as keeping an identity in the world full of opinions and advice. How to find balance within themselves (in their feelings, emotions, thoughts, body and mindset), time with family, managing their household, work commitments and maintaining relationships with family, friends and their partner.

The constant pressure surrounding mums and women in general really does play a role in all of this. The idea of this ‘perfect’ mum that looms around us constantly. I mean what is the perfect mum anyway?? How do we really achieve perfection?? And HOW do we make peace and accept that ‘perfect’ for us is not necessarily what ‘perfect’ is for someone else AND knowing that at the end of the day THAT IS OK!

Did you know that 1 in 5 expecting or new mums struggle with Perinatal Anxiety & Depression? Wow! Yet even with all the information out there at the moment, so many women are struggling in silence. During this week of awareness we all share, we share information, personal stories, advice and supportone another through those tough times. We talkabout how there is a light at the end of the tunnel and about the good daysand bad, we SHARE and open the conversation about mental healthand the importance of speaking out and asking for help and support, we share how reaching outdoesn’t show signs of weakness but rather signs of strength!

What is Perinatal Depression and Anxiety?
So What is Perinatal Depression and Anxiety I hear you ask?? You may have heard the terms ‘Prenatal’ or ‘Antenatal’ which refer to your experience with anxiety or depression DURING pregnancy. Perinatal Depression and Anxiety refers to when it is experienced during pregnancy and or in the year after childbirth. The signs and symptoms are all very much the same its more so the times in which they occur. This Mental Health illness affects up to 100,000 families in Australia every year!! The most important thing to know is that there is help and support out there and that it IS treatable.

Do only women experience Perinatal Anxiety and Depression?
No. Both Women and Men are both prone to the experience of perinatal anxiety and depression. It is estimated that around 1 in 10 new dads experience depression and anxiety! (I will be discussing more about Men in Part 4 of the series).

How Long does it last?
Unfortunately there is no set time frame. It really is very individual in experience, although one of the things we DO know is that often one of the reasons a person is reluctant to seek help is because they are unaware of what is actually happening to them. Hence why this week is all about awareness, information and educating people. Research has found early intervention to be very helpful in how long it may last and how severe the experience is for the individual.

I hope today’s blog post has served as a good introduction for you and helped you gain a little more of an understanding in regards to this very important topic! In Part 2 I will be discussing this topic further and talking about all the signs and symptoms associated with Perinatal Depression and Anxiety!

Thankyou for reading and please feel free to share this with your friends and family to help raise awareness!

Much Love,

Amanda Cavallaro
The Anxiety Wellness Queen

PANDA – 1300 726 306

Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

LifeLine – 13 11 14

To work One On One with me please contact me Here

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